Equidistanza Autocad Blocks
Tip: The default settings in the Insert dialog box are usually acceptable. After you choose the block name, click OK, and then specify its location in your drawing. You can rotate it later, if necessary.Notice that when you insert a block, it is attached to your cursor at the point indicated.
This location is called the insertion point. By default, the insertion point is the origin point (0,0) of the original drawing.After inserting the block, you can select it and a grip appears. You can easily move and rotate this block using this grip. RecommendationsThere are several different schemes for saving and retrieving block definitions. You can create an individual drawing file for each block that you intend to use.
You save these drawing files in folders, each of which would contain a family of related drawing files. You can include the block definitions for title blocks and common symbols in your drawing template files to make them available immediately when starting a new drawing. You can create several drawing files, which are sometimes called block library drawings. Each of these drawings contains a family of related block definitions. When you insert a block library drawing into your current drawing, all the blocks that are defined in that drawing become available.
You cannot create block definitions in Inventor. If blocks exist in an AutoCAD dwg file, they are available when the file is opened in Inventor. You can also import AutoCAD blocks using the Import Block command. Blocks can only be imported to.dwg files. The block definition is not editable in Inventor.In the browser, block definitions are listed under AutoCAD Blocks in the folder. After you place a block, each instance is listed in the AutoCAD Blocks browser folder for each sheet.View blocks are created for each base view and projected view in a DWG drawing sheet when the DWG drawing is saved.Here are some guidelines to help you use blocks:. Block instances can be placed, scaled, moved, and rotated within a drawing sheet.
Attributes values on block instances can be modified. Right-click on the block and select Edit Attributes. Each block instance has a Static property. If the Static property is disabled, grip points are displayed when the block is selected. Use the grip points to rotate and scale the block. If Static is enabled, the grips are not displayed.
The properties (color, line type, and line weight) can be modified for a block depending on the setting in the block definition.