Inspiration 9 Software Serial Arduino

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Inspiration 9 software serial arduino library download

Software Serial Arduino Mega

This tutorial we are covering Serial Port Basics on the Arduino Mega 2560 R3.If you ever wonder how to use the other Serial ports on the Arduino Mega 2560 R3, but don't know where to start? This short tutorial we'll go over the basics, we'll connect to an Adafruit Metro 328 = its an Arduino compatible; works just like an Arduino UNO R3, and we will connect to an Arduino Leonardo clone.The connections will be UART to UART, SoftwareSerial to SoftwareSerial, UART to SoftwareSerial, and ALL 3 connected together!!:) Before you make the physical wire connections. LOAD the code to your Arduinos first!Please follow this step because your Arduinos use the 'DEFAULT' SerialPort to upload your code from the Computer, once you make the physical wire connections the 'Default' SerialPort will be used on the Arduino UNO (Adafruit Metro 328) to communicate with the Arduino Mega 2560 R3's SerialPort #1 which is pin19 RX1 and pin18 TX1 on the Mega. This will not allow the Arduino UNO(Adafruit Metro 328) to communicate with the outside world; AKA your computer. The Leonardo will use the SoftwareSerial example but if using the UART; same will apply as the Arduino UNO's.