Installed Software Report Altiris Client

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Altiris Deployment Agent is a software program developed by Altiris. During setup, the program creates a startup registration point in Windows in order to automatically start when any user boots the PC. Upon being installed, the software adds a Windows Service which is designed to run continuously in the background. Manually stopping the service has been seen to cause the program to stop functing properly.

It adds a background controller service that is set to automatically run. Delaying the start of this service is possible through the service manager. The software is designed to connect to the Internet and adds a Windows Firewall exception in order to do so without being interfered with. The primary executable is named dagentui.exe. The setup package generally installs about 15 files and is usually about 7.39 MB (7,753,049 bytes). The installed file autoupdate.dll is the auto-update component of the program which is designed to check for software updates and notify and apply them when new versions are discovered.

Relative to the overall usage of users who have this installed on their PCs, most are running Windows 7 (SP1) and Windows 10. While about 60% of users of Altiris Deployment Agent come from the United States, it is also popular in Australia and Belgium.Program details.

Installed Software Report Altiris Client Download

Hi, This query will return all computers without.Ne Framework 3.5 SP1 installed select distinct SMSRSystem.Name from SMSRSystem where SMSRSystem.Name not in (select distinct SMSRSystem.Name from SMSRSystem inner join SMSGSystemADDREMOVEPROGRAMS on SMSGSystemADDREMOVEPROGRAMS.ResourceId = SMSRSystem.ResourceId where SMSGSystemADDREMOVEPROGRAMS.DisplayName = ' Microsoft.NET Framework 3.5 SP1') If you want to create a query you can use this step by step guide -Kent Agerlund Invalid object name 'SMSRSystem'. Error Number:-Source:Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL ServerNative Error:208Altiris

Select distinct SMSRSystem.Name from SMSRSystem where SMSRSystem.Name not in (select distinct SMSRSystem.Name from SMSRSystem inner join SMSGSystemADDREMOVEPROGRAMS on SMSGSystemADDREMOVEPROGRAMS.ResourceId = SMSRSystem.ResourceIdwhere SMSGSystemADDREMOVEPROGRAMS.DisplayName = 'Symantec Endpoint Protection')Can you please tell me what I am missing.?Yes. The quoted query is WQL and is used for creating collections.You have to use SQL in webreports.Torsten Meringer Post ur query?take a look at thsi blog post to list computers whcih do not have software installled onto them?andselect the application from list of avilable.Select Distinct sys.NetbiosName0, sys.UserDomain0, sys.UserName0 FROM vRSystem sys JOIN vAddRemovePrograms arp ON sys.ResourceID = arp.ResourceID WHERE sys.ResourceID not in (select sys.ResourceID from vRSystem sys JOIN vAddRemovePrograms arp ON sys.ResourceID = arp.ResourceID where DisplayName0 = @displayname)prompt for Display name:select DisplayName0 from vAddRemovePrograms//Eswar Koneti @. Thanks Eswar,I have removed earlier query and I have tried by pasting your query in report properties.I get an error saying must declare the scalar variable '@display name'Select Distinct sys.NetbiosName0, sys.UserDomain0, sys.UserName0 FROM vRSystem sys JOIN vAddRemovePrograms arp ON sys.ResourceID = arp.ResourceID WHERE sys.ResourceID not in (select sys.ResourceID from vRSystem sys JOIN vAddRemovePrograms arp ON sys.ResourceID = arp.ResourceID where DisplayName0 = @displayname)Mohammad Ameenuddin. This one works for SCCM version 1006, finds machines missing 'Microsoft.NET Framework 4.5.2'Note there is another view, vGSADDREMOVEPROGRAMS for non x64 that you might have to search also.selectvRSYSTEM. ResourceID, vRSYSTEM.

Installed Software Report Altiris Client Windows 10

ResourceType, vRSYSTEM. Name0, vRSYSTEM. SMSUniqueIdentifier0, vRSYSTEM. ResourceDomainORWorkgr0, vRSYSTEM. Client0fromvRSYSTEM inner join vGSCOMPUTERSYSTEMon vGSCOMPUTERSYSTEM. ResourceID= vRSYSTEM. Name0not in( select distinct vGSCOMPUTERSYSTEM.